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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2017-02-23 10:00:58   浏览次数:213
  2017年5月17-19日,第十届中部博览会将在安徽省合肥市举办。本届大会以“发展新理念 崛起新机遇”为主题,抢抓“一带一路”建设、长江经济带发展等重大战略机遇,突出供给侧结构性改革、创新驱动发展、法治化营商环境构建等内容,开展政策研讨、产业对接、项目洽谈、展览展示等系列活动,搭建承接产业转移和投资贸易交流平台,促进中部地区高水平参与国际国内合作。
  Major Events                        
  Keynote Forum, Opening Ceremony
  Symposium for Multinational Corporation (by invitation only)
  Reception Banquet
  Theme Activities
  Promotion Meeting for the Investment Environment of Central China and Project Cooperation
  Regional Meeting on China National Economic and Technical Development Zone (by invitation only)
  Financial Forum on the Development of Central China
  Seminar on Cooperation and Development of Cultural and Creative Industries
  Thematic event on E-commerce
  Forum for Tourism Promotion and Development of Central China
  Health Industry Forum of Central China
  The Opening Ceremony of the Investment and trade Expo of Anhui 2017 ,and Huishang Forum
  Promotion for the Economic and Trade of Russia Federal District of Volga River
  Matchmaking for "QIAOMENGYUAN" (innovative and entrepreneurial cluster for overseas Chinese)
  Forum for new R&D institution
  Other activities held by the provinces of Central China

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