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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2016-01-06  浏览次数:385
【展出时间】2018-04-04至 2018-04-06(具体时间待定)
★独立空调 、中央空调、制冷设备,热冷交换机、通风、风扇、空气净化器、测量与控制-热调节 通风和制冷仪表等;
★太阳能热水器 太阳能灶 太阳能采暖 太阳能空调及太阳能配件。
Why to exhibit:
WATER SOFIA  is the only one exhibition for Water and Water Management in Bulgaria
Participating at WATER SOFIA provides an analysis of the market situation as well as an opportunity to penetrate new markets
WATER SOFIA  provides an excellent business environment for meeting new clients and partners
Taking part in WATER SOFIA gives you an opportunity for immediate feedback
Participating at WATER SOFIA will increase the visibility of your brand
Taking part in WATER SOFIA allows for comparison of your competitive environment
Participating at WATER SOFIA makes you a part of the major companies which carry out reforms in Bulgarian water sector
WATER SOFIA provides its exhibitors an opportunity to exchange innovative solutions, best practices and contribute to the development of the sector in SEE Europe
WATER SOFIA performs BULAQUA conference organized by BWA
In the frames of the exhibition there will take place daily company presentations, seminars, demonstrations, discussions
WATER SOFIA enjoys an efficient media support providing endless opportunities for advertising the companies – participants
WATER SOFIA  enjoys a wide visitor interest on behalf of manufacturers, industry representatives , distributorsand retailers, construction companies, public and municipal authorities, students and many others
Malicious actions by improper companies
In relation to  numerous emerging signs of malicious actions by third parties Inter Expo Center would like to kindly inform our clients and partners that all services, offered by the company, are listed in our official website.
Inter Expo Center is not liable for any unfavorable consequences resulting from offered services  beyond the ones we provide.
All Inter Expo Center’s contacts are available at our official site. Should you have any doubts about the propriety of the company that have contacted you,  please address any of representative of ours.
Beijing Lihang Int’l Exhibitioin Co., Ltd
Mobile:13910017248 (同微信)
QQ: 784293200
关键词: 国际暖通制冷展
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