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2017cafeex Shanghai Expo

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2016-11-21  浏览次数:224
Coffee Expo CAFEEX2017 Shanghai

You and success, a cup of coffee!

Shanghai, the fastest city in the whole of China,

In the unique Shanghai culture contain the largest Chinese coffee consumption market,

And increasingly become the world's coffee trade center.

Here, a cup of coffee to reconcile the rapid development of economy and culture;

Here, a cup of coffee can be thinking, opportunities, and even wealth.

From 2000 years ago, the first coffee beans come to the present,

Coffee has become an indispensable element in modern life.

So, in our opinion, coffee is not just a cup of coffee,

It is the embodiment of energy and enthusiasm, opportunity and success.

Therefore, our effort to build international professional coffee products and cultural display platform;

For many exhibitors and buyers to build innovative and efficient communication bridge.

Organizer: Shanghai chinnor Exhibition Co.

The size of the exhibition: exhibition area: 17000 square meters booth number: 800 exhibitors: 300

Venue: Shanghai World Expo exhibition hall

Exhibition time:

Exhibition time: March 20, 2017 (Monday) - 21 days (Tuesday)

Launch time: March 22, 2017 (Wednesday 9:00-17:30) - 24, (Friday, 9:00-16:30)

Exhibits range:

Coffee / tea / drinks: coffee beans, coffee beans, coffee, Instant Coffee capsule,

Coffee & tea, tea, fruit juice, wine, beverage

Ingredients: coffee mate, milk, sugar, chocolate, cheese, oil, jam

Dessert: ice cream, cake, bread, biscuits, chocolate, pudding

Coffee machine / equipment: all kinds of coffee machines / equipment, kitchen appliances, vending machines

Packing / uniforms: coffee cups, coffee packaging, barista / Cook / waiter uniforms

Coffee / tea utensils: coffee utensils, tea sets, props

Franchise: coffee shop, fruit shop, ice cream shop, bakery

Decoration: decoration, decoration design

Education and training, counseling programs: coffee training institutions, business information program

Concurrent activities:

Coffee / latte / coffee baking contest

Coffee cup design competition

Cafe business / Coffee Training Forum

Exhibitors & buyers business matching activities

Exhibition Application time:

Early application: August 10, 2016 (10% discount)

General application: January 10, 2017 so far (end of booth order)

Visit the exhibition advisory:

Shanghai chinnor Exhibition Co.





关键词: cafeex 2017cafeex
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