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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2016-11-03  浏览次数:477
【英文名称】 mining Africa 2018
▼ 大型矿业企业形象展示:金属矿产品、非金属矿产品、矿产品贸易、矿山规划、工程设计、施工建设单位、矿权交易、矿权投融资、政府与行业机构等。 
▼ 地质(矿山)勘探技术装备:物探技术、化探技术、航测遥感技术、测绘技术、地质数据处理、矿产品分析、实验室仪器仪表。 
▼ 采矿技术装备:采掘设备、钻探凿岩设备、装载设备、运输设备(挖掘机、装载机、地下采矿车辆、矿用自卸车辆)、提升设备、钻孔爆破、施工机械等。 
▼ 矿物加工设备:破碎设备、筛分设备、矿山粉磨设备、输送设备(液压传动设备)等。 
▼ 选矿技术装备:浮选设备、磁选设备、重力选矿设备、电选设备、分级设备、浓缩设备、过滤设备、选矿药剂及其它矿用化学品等。 
▼ 矿物冶炼技术装备:湿法冶金、电解冶炼技术设备、火法冶金、高温冶金技术设备等。 
▼ 矿山安全设备:矿山应急、抢险、救援设备;矿用防爆、消防设备;安全防护设备;安全监测、监控设备等。 
▼ 矿山环保节能设备:尾矿充填处理设备;矿用泵阀;矿山废弃物、废水处理;通风、除尘设备;数字矿山、矿用电气、矿山通信、矿山物流等。 
▼ 其他矿山技术:辅助机械设备及相关矿业服务机构。
It's been an amazing show with thousands of visitors attending the five days of Electra Mining Africa. They came to see to see the latest innovations across mining, industrial, electrical, power, transport and related industries. Engaging with over 800 exhibitors, visitors have seen many new products launched at the show and new technologies unveiled. They were also able to see machinery and equipment in action during hundreds of live demonstrations. The value-add free-to-attend seminars offered an excellent learning platform and the co-located conferences delivered great insight and knowledge to the delegates.
Many exhibitors have already booked their exhibition floor space for the 2018 show - even before the end of the 2016 show! The high quality of visitors to the stands, most of whom are senior decision makers, make Electra Mining Africa the ideal place to be. It's busy, it's interactive, it's a great place to showcase their products and to get all their clients together in one place and to meet potential new clients. Hundreds of sales leads have been generated and the follow-up begins next week! It's an important marketing tool for them - which is why they come back again and again!
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