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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2016-10-28  浏览次数:165
943c73f90c1dd04948594fe5299_p1_mk12017年埃塞俄比亚建筑建材及机械展览会BUILDEXPO Ethiopia
展会地点:Millennium Hall,Addis Ababa,Ethiopia
主办单位: 埃塞俄比亚建筑承包商协会Point Expo 展览集团
Buildexpo Africa is the only show with the widest range of the latest technology in construction machinery, building material machines, mining machines, construction vehicles and construction equipment. After 19 successful editions of Buildexpo in Kenya and Tanzania, East Africa's largest building and construction fair now ventures into the Ethiopian market. The first edition of Buildexpo in Ethiopia will provide international business platform by enabling global investment opportunities.
Ethiopia has one of the fastest growing economies in the world. The country has been registering a double digit growth for the last twelve consecutive years. Located in the region of the Horn of Africa, Ethiopia is the 2nd most populated country in Africa. Ethiopia's construction sector has outgrown that of its neighbors. The construction sector will grow at an annual average growth of 11.6% and will be fueled by a swell in infrastructure investments in the region. Ethiopian government reduced customs tariff significantly in the framework of creating economic liberalization. The maximum tariff came down from 230% to 35% and the minimum is 5%. The average tariff is reduced from 41.6% to 17.5%. Ethiopia has also several agreements that grant duty free access to many countries, including European countries and the USA. Business friendly climate, duty free access and competitive labour costs have successfully created new investments and employment opportunities. Ethiopia is also a member of COMESA which has an access to 20 African countries.
Buildexpo will bring you exhibitors from over 28 countries that are the finest in infrastructure development, with over hundreds of products, equipment and machinery on display.

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