2018年美国国际塑料及模具技术展览会 NPE| 美国国际塑料展| 美国塑料工业展| 美国国际橡塑展|美国奥兰多塑料展| 美国模具展| NPE the Plastics Show | 同期招精品商务团多种行程选择 北京领汇 郭萌旭 1509 3220 170
2018年美国国际塑料展 NPE 展会时间:2018年5月7-11日
2018年美国国际塑料展 NPE 展会地点:美国奥兰多展览中心(Orlando, Florida USA)
2018年美国国际塑料展 NPE 展会周期:三年一届
2018年美国国际塑料展 NPE 主办单位:美国塑料工业协会
2018年美国国际塑料展 NPE 展会概况:
2018年美国国际塑料展 NPE是美国规模最大、历史最悠久的塑料展览会,也是世界第二大塑料行业盛会。由美国塑料工业协会主办,从1946年开始,每三年一届。上届展出面积104,813平方米,共吸引展商2029家,65,000余专业观众及买家.
The Plastics Show has it all, from the full array of plastics-related services, equipment, suppliers, and resources to the industry’s emerging innovations, expert insights and game-changing opportunities that are driving the market today. As the world’s largest, most influential trade event for plastics, NPE attracts more than 65,000 professionals from every aspect of the industry and its vertical and end-user markets. Join the entire production supply chain here—from design and materials to equipment and processors to brand owners and post-consumer recyclers—to ensure that all your bases are fully covered.
The Plastics Show has it all, from the full array of plastics-related services, equipment, suppliers, and resources to the industry’s emerging innovations, expert insights and game-changing opportunities that are driving the market today. As the world’s largest, most influential trade event for plastics, NPE attracts more than 65,000 professionals from every aspect of the industry and its vertical and end-user markets. Join the entire production supply chain here—from design and materials to equipment and processors to brand owners and post-consumer recyclers—to ensure that all your bases are fully covered.
2018年美国国际塑料展 NPE 展品范围:
2016年土耳其塑料展 2016年12月7日到12月10日 每年一届
2017年印度孟买塑料展 2017 年 01 月 19-23 日 三年一届
2017年伊朗塑料工业展 2017年09月26-29日 两年一届
2017年德国塑料展 Fakuma 2017年10月17-21日 两年三届
2018年美国国际塑料展 NPE 2018年5月7-11日 三年一届
联系人:北京领汇-郭萌旭 15093220170
座 机:400-8178181转6627
Q Q:2851182508
SPI: The Plastics Industry Trade Association, founder and producer of NPE: The International Plastics Showcase, has released final data for NPE2015, which took place March 23-27 in Orlando, Florida. The data shows NPE2015 attracted 2,029 exhibitors over 1,128,200 net square feet (104,813 sq.m) of exhibit space—exceeding the previous records of 2,009 exhibitors and 1,041,000 net square feet (96,712 sq.m) set in 2000.
In addition, registered attendance for NPE2015 was 65,810—19% greater than three years ago. These registrants came from 23,396 unique companies—22% more than the 19,198 companies at NPE2012—representing a substantial increase in buying potential.