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Embedded world 2017纽伦堡嵌入式系统展

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2016-09-22  浏览次数:252
     全球最大嵌入式电子与工业计算机应用展 Embedded World 是专门提供给嵌入式系统整合商及相关软硬件制造商、经销商等进行合作交流的年度盛会! 2016年有超过900家跨国性工业计算机厂商参展,于第1, 2, 4, 4A和5馆5个展览馆展出,展出产品计分成硬件(零件、模块、各式应用系统)工具、应用软件(真实操作系统、虚拟软件、网络浏览器、检验软件、和其它应用软件)和服务(系统开发、电子制造、通讯服务、顾问、训练、贸易杂志...)等4大类。
    Embedded World 为工业用计算机业者的新聚焦平台,近九成的参观买家专注于各种 automotive industry, industrial controls, telecommunications, measuring and testing, mechanical engineering and medical engineering等产业用零组件、设备、系统,搜寻最新颖的产品&技术&解决方案,做年度的采购、产品研发计划!
由于各产业与领域的不断创新,硬件和软件供货商及工具和服务供货商正展现出他们在减少能源消耗的创新诉求,另一方面 Machine-to-Machine-communication; M2M / Embedded internet 的技术在云端计算Cloud-computing概念的推广下,被更广泛的应用在生活的任何一角落,更将是未来的趋势,特别是云端运算(Cloud-computing)藉由合并了所有个别的嵌入式零件而展现其功效。

1、 Hardware: Components • Modules • Systems for various applications;
2、 Tools: Hardware • Software;
3、 Application software: BIOS • Real-time operating systems • Runtime Environments • Middleware • Virtualization • Visualization software • Internet browsers • Communication software • Remote Device Management Software • Data Security • Other application software
4、 Services : System development • Electronic manufacturing• Communication services • Consulting • Training • Trade journals • Books • Other services
5、 Exhibitors at embedded world: Manufacturers and distributors of electronic components, modules and systems for embedded technologies
Suppliers of hardware and software for embedded technologies
Suppliers of application software for embedded technologies
Service providers of development, production and information services for embedded technologies
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