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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2016-07-19  浏览次数:261
 2017年印度孟买产业用布及非织造布展 Technotex 2017(印度无纺布展)

2017年印度国际产业用纺织品及非织造布展览会|第六届印度产业用布展|TECHNOTEX 2017|印度无纺布展|印度土工布展|印度工业滤布展|印度土工格栅展|印度产业用布展|印度纺粘展| 同期招商务经济考察团      北京领汇---郭萌旭   15093220170

【2017年印度产业用布展  展会时间】:2017.04.12-14               
【2017年印度产业用布展  展会地点】:印度孟买展览中心
【2017年印度产业用布展  举办周期】:每年一届
【2017年印度产业用布展  主办单位】:印度工商联工会和印度纺织部 
【2017年印度产业用布展  组展单位】:领汇国际展览有限公司


【2017年印度产业用布展   展会官网介绍】:

Technotex 2017 will pool in participants, visitors and other key decision makers from a diverse cross section of the technical textile industry with a view to provide more innovative solutions, identify new business opportunities and create an environment congenial for growth. Organized by Ministry of Textiles & FICCI, Technotex 2017 will be held at Mumbai, the financial capital of India.

【2017年印度产业用布展  展品范围】




产业用布类:汽车用布、合成革基布、土工布、建筑用布、农业用布、电绝缘材料 造纸、毛毯 、服装用品 鞋材 家庭用品、过滤材料、干燥剂包装材料等;

妇女卫生巾、湿面巾、口罩、手术衣、婴儿及成人尿片尿裤、成型口罩、聚合物 化学纤维 特种纤维 粘合剂 发泡材料 涂料 添加剂 无纺布色母粒、树脂等深加工设备;

非织造布类:包括纺粘、针刺、水刺、熔喷、气流成网、化学粘合非织造布及其制品、热粘合;生产设备、深加工设计:无纺布设备及生产线 后整理设备 深加工设备 辅助设备及仪器 

Why Exhibit
? Showcase your products & capabilities among the Direct Target Audience
? Source New business contacts
? Increase Sales
? Launch New Products
? Enhance PR opportunities
? Create Brand Awareness
? Joint ventures, collaborations & investment opportunities
? One-to-one business meetings & networking opportunities 

2016.02.24-26      俄罗斯国际产业用纺织品及非织造布展   
2016.06.01-04      土耳其产业纺织品及非纺织造布展
2017.04.04-07      瑞士国际无纺布展  
2017.04.12-14      印度孟买产业用纺织品及非织造布展  
2017.05.09-12      德国法兰克福国际产业用及非织造布展   (两年一届)           2017.09.13-15      印度国际产业用纺织品及非织造布展览会 (法兰克福,两年一届)
2019.03.25-28      美国迈阿密国际工业织物、无纺布及设备展(三年一届)

联系人:北京领汇-郭萌旭 15093220170
座 机:400-8178181转6627
Q Q:2851182508

Indian Technical Textile Industry

    Technical textiles are textile materials and products used for their technical performance and functional properties. Technical textiles are an important part of the textile industry and its potential is still largely untapped in India. With the increase in disposable income, the consumption of technical textiles is expected to increase. based on past trends of growth and estimated end user segment growth, the Working Group on Technical Textiles for 12th Five Year Plan (FYP) projected the market size to reach INR 1,58,540 crore by 2016-17 at a year-on-year growth rate of 20% during the 12th Five Year Plan.

Exhibitor Profile
○ Medical Textiles
○ Transport Textiles
○ Industrial Tesxtiles
○ Eco Textiles
○ Geo Textiles
○ Packaging Textiles
○ Protective Textiles
○ Sport Textiles
○ Agro Textiles
○ Construction Textiles
○ Clothing Textiles
○ Manufacturers of Machinery for Technical textile
○ Technology Providers
○ Raw Material Supplier
○ Consultants
○ R & D Companies
○ Major Textile Institutions
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