【展会时间】:2019 年2月19日-2月21日
【报名热线】:王盼盼 15038323253
【展商规模】:展商1,400+ ,展览面积 565,000+ 平方英尺
【about IBS关于美国建材展】:
The NAHB International Builders' Show? (IBS) is the largest annual light construction show in the world, every year attracting 60,000 visitors from 100 countries.
IBS brings together 1,400+ manufacturers and suppliers from around the globe and covers over 565,000 net square feet of space where exhibitors showcase the latest and most in-demand products and services.
【Why Attend IBS?展会亮点】:
★世界规模最大的建筑行业盛会之一,汇集来自世界各地超过80,000 名参会者
★展馆面积达到569,000 平方英尺,超过1500 家制造商和产品供应商
★在IBS 现场有很多新的体验,如:更多的现场实践,互动活动和会议
IBS is the largest annual light construction show in the world.
More than 1,400 manufacturers and suppliers showcase the most in-demand products and services.
See even more with Design & Construction Week? (DCW)—featuring the co-location of IBS and the National Kitchen & Bath Association’s Kitchen & Bath Industry Show? (KBIS).
Renowned building industry experts will lead more than 140 education sessions.
A variety of networking opportunities allow you to connect with others who truly understand your business.
▼ 建筑材料:门、窗、幕墙、玻璃、遮阳篷(伞);装饰板材;钢材、木材、铝塑板材、PVC、复合材料等;
▼ 建筑材料:门、窗、幕墙、玻璃、遮阳篷(伞);装饰板材;钢材、木材、铝塑板材、PVC、复合材料等;
▼ 建筑建材机械:建筑工程机械、加工设备、玻璃门窗机械、施工机械、电动与手动工具、专用车、运输设备、工地防护用品、建筑工地设施等;
▼ 水泥、混凝土、石膏、密封材料;
▼ 屋顶墙体材料;
▼建筑五金:水嘴、水暖器材、暖通管道、PVC 管道及附件、洁具五金配件、门(包括橱柜壁柜门)窗及门窗五金配件、阀门、紧固件、标准件、钉钉丝网等;
Beijing Leway International Fairs Co., Ltd.
联系人(Contact Person):王盼盼 Vicky Wong
Q Q : 2851182585
ADD:Room719,Ruichen International Center 13 Nongzhanguan South Road,Chaoyang District,Beijing,China
2019.1 美国IBS建材展KBIS厨卫展 奥兰多
2018.5 泰国建材展 Architec 曼谷
2018.5 阿尔及利亚建材展 BATIMATEC 阿尔及尔
2018.5 澳大利亚建材展 Design Build EXPO 悉尼
2018.6 肯尼亚建材展 Build Expo Africa 内罗毕
2018.8 南非建材展 Interbuild Africa 约翰内斯堡
2018.8 越南建材展 VIETBUILD 胡志明
2018.11 中东五大行业BIG5 迪拜
2019.11 法国建材展Batimat 巴黎
★★★ 十四年外展经验,领汇是您值得信赖的外展品牌!更多市场资讯,欢迎致电15038323253